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4 Days & 3 Nights - Amazon River TOUR

In this tour you will travel up the Amazon river also known as the Solimoes.


Day 1: We leave from your hotel at 8:00 am whe arrive at the harbour to take a speed boat to see the meeting of the waters . After we head to a location where we go by car to the next location where we take another boat to reach our destination near Juma lake at 11:00am. We then have lunch and afterwards we go by canoe to explore the region around Juma lake spotting animals, birds and dolphins along the way. Here we will also do some piranha fishing and see a sunset on the Amazon. At night we venture out again by canoe to capture and release an Alligator

Day 2: In the morning we head out to see the sunrise on the Amazon, this is the best time to see the Monkies and birds moving about to find things to eat. We the return to our base camp for breakfast after which we take a hike in the jungle. Upon return from the hike we have lunch and then prepare to go by motorized canoe to go deeper in the back channels to go to a jungle camp where we will ovenight in the jungle. Having a barbecue of Fish, meat or chicken whatever we have at the time. 

Day 3: We have breakfast in the morning and after we prepare to return to our first base camp near Juma lake, There we will stop and visit with a local family to see how they live and extract things they need from the jungle. Afterwards we travel to another persons home where we will have dinner and stay for the night.

Day 4: Early in the morning after breakfast we go by canoe to explore the back water channels onserving the wildlife along the way after this we head back to our base camp and have lunch then prepare for our return to Manaus arriving there at 5:00 pm

Anchor 27
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