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3 Days & 2 Nights - Negro River TOUR

This tour takes you to the Anavihanas Island area of the Negro River 


Day 1: We leave in the morning by speed boat to see the "Meeting of theWaters", after which we continue on to Janauari Ecological Park,  Here you will see the Giant water lillies and have the opportunity to photograph some of the animals like sloths, monkeys, birds  and snakes.  We then continue our journey upstream till we reach the Cacau Priera where we will go 60 km by car to get to another area where we will go Piranha fishing. At night we will spend the evening in a local persons home.

Day 2: We wake up at 5:30 in order to catch the sunrise on the Rio Negro, we have breakfast and then go to visit the pink river dolphins for a swim. Afterwards we break for lunch  After lunch we go by motorized canoe to the place where we will overnight in the jungle. Upon arrival in the jungle we set up camp For dinner we will have a Barbecue consisting of Chicken, Fish or meat whatever we brought along.

Day 3: In the morning we have breakfast in the jungle then at 7:30 we take a short jungle hike, where you will learn about the fauna and flora of the Amazon jungle. We then break camp and in the afternoon we and head off to visit an Indigenous natives village where you can visit and learn about thier culture. Afterwords we prepare for our return to Manaus and arrive back at 5:00 

Anchor 25
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